Welcome to my home !

Hello my name is Nina, I am a writer and a freelance illustrator.


I am addicted to colours, maniac of details and believe in the power of simplicity.


Since I was little drawing has been always my passion, my parents knew from a young age that I was the only one who was really creative, whenever I was loud they knew that was me singing, or whenever I was quiet, they would know that I was actually busy with a paper and pencil, drawing something.


Inspirations  always came easily, I had serial stories permanently playing in my head. I thought, I had to get them out and somehow I start skecthing it on a piece of paper, since then I never stop making book.



Since 2015 until early 2017, I was volunteering my self an as illustrator for young children at my nearest daycare. Spending time with them makes me feel happy, their point of view and their ideas are such an inspiration for me. My made up stories came along with different voices and noises, some of the toddlers would laugh but some of them would take the story I told very serious. My satisfaction seems to come from people who stare at my work or giggle about it.


Occasionally I've been invited by the art class's teacher at the elementary school in Meijhorst Nijmegen - Daltonschool de Meiboom, helping children to express their thoughts and enjoying the colouring with liquid ink. The children are aged from 4 to 7 years old, sometimes I just sit there with them to listen to see what their passions are, as their request is always my command, I love to help them and play with their imagination.


I feel there's quite a big difference between making a drawing for toddlers at the day care, compared to making one for children at the elementary school, how bigger they are, how complicated they are.  But it doesn't stop me, every opportunity that comes across my bow is an opportunity for growth.






With my favourite student, Djea.

She is very good with colouring, she always stays with me

from the moment I enter the class to the moment I finish teaching the class.


She colours every corner patiently,

She make sure that she stayed inside the lines,

filling every empty spot,

she staying focused with what she's doing,

and she's only 4 years old.


''It has been a pleasure colouring with you Djea this past one year,

you are very talented little girl,

I wish you the best of luck on your first grade in elementary school''












On next pages, you will find my growing portfolio. Few samples of my work, feel free to look around.